REGULAR MEETING OF THE Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Committee
Wednesday, March 06, 2024
6:30 PM
REGULAR MEETING OF THE Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Committee
APPOINTED MEMBERS Pamela Asselmeier Kelly Bond Nicole Camarda, Chair Adam Garcia Marja Tarr, Vice Chair Franklin Quint Darren Racusen, Planning Commission Liaison Stacey Earl, RMPC Liaison COUNCIL LIAISON Brian Barnacle STAFF LIAISON Bjorn Griepenburg |
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MEETINGS 1st Wednesday of each month City Hall Council Chamber 11 English Street Petaluma, CA 94952 CONTACT INFORMATION Phone (707)-776-3672 [email protected] |
Wednesday, March 06, 2024
6:30 PM
Submit Written Public Comment
Email the committee/commission Clerk at: [email protected], with the subject line “Public Comment.”
Comments that are received at least two hours prior to the meeting will be distributed to Committee/Commission members and published with the agenda packet on the City's website as part of the public record for the meeting,. Comments received after the cutoff time will be distributed and posted online following the meeting.
The Chair has the authority to rule any speaker out of order, including speakers during the General Public Comment period, if the subject raised is not within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Committee/Commission, or during a public hearing or a general business item if the speaker is not presenting testimony or evidence relevant to the matter or if the speaker becomes disruptive to the proceedings and conduct of the meeting. The Chair also has the authority to order any person who willfully interrupts the meeting to be removed. All persons are expected to conduct themselves with civility and courtesy at all times. All persons giving comments shall speak directly to the Committee/Commission and address issues, not individuals. Personal attacks and cursing are not tolerated in order to foster an environment where everyone feels welcome to speak.
Animals in Council Chamber
No animals shall be allowed at or brought in to a public meeting by any person except (i) as to members of the public or City staff utilizing the assistance of a service animal, which is defined as a guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability, or (ii) as to police officers using the assistance of dog(s) in law enforcement duties.
Email the committee/commission Clerk at: [email protected], with the subject line “Public Comment.”
Comments that are received at least two hours prior to the meeting will be distributed to Committee/Commission members and published with the agenda packet on the City's website as part of the public record for the meeting,. Comments received after the cutoff time will be distributed and posted online following the meeting.
The Chair has the authority to rule any speaker out of order, including speakers during the General Public Comment period, if the subject raised is not within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Committee/Commission, or during a public hearing or a general business item if the speaker is not presenting testimony or evidence relevant to the matter or if the speaker becomes disruptive to the proceedings and conduct of the meeting. The Chair also has the authority to order any person who willfully interrupts the meeting to be removed. All persons are expected to conduct themselves with civility and courtesy at all times. All persons giving comments shall speak directly to the Committee/Commission and address issues, not individuals. Personal attacks and cursing are not tolerated in order to foster an environment where everyone feels welcome to speak.
Animals in Council Chamber
No animals shall be allowed at or brought in to a public meeting by any person except (i) as to members of the public or City staff utilizing the assistance of a service animal, which is defined as a guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability, or (ii) as to police officers using the assistance of dog(s) in law enforcement duties.
NOTICE: The Committee/Commission Clerk hereby certifies that this agenda has been posted in accordance with the requirements of the Government Code. In accordance with Government Code §54957.5, any materials of public record relating to an agenda item for a regular meeting that are provided to a majority of the Committee/Commission members less than 72 hours before the meeting will be made available online with the agenda packet at Materials of public record that are distributed during the meeting shall be made available for public inspection at the meeting if prepared by the City or a member of its legislative/advisory body, or the next business day after the meeting if prepared by some other person. | |
AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT ACCOMMODATIONS: Any member of the public who needs accommodations should email the Committee/Commission Clerk at [email protected] or by calling 707-778-4483. The Committee/Commission Clerk will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to provide as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests | ![]() |